An introduction to Home Remedies - Home Remedies - Medical Billing & Coding Course, Languages & Translation

Home Remedies - Medical Billing & Coding Course,  Languages & Translation

Tested Home Remedies book, Medical Billing & Coding Course, Technical Courses with certfication, French, German, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish languages course and legal translation and interpretation, unique books, mazes and crosswords book for kids

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

An introduction to Home Remedies

 Ever since I started diving into the world of pen and books, I have been trying to convey the valuable and unique secrets to the common man. I found many people who had valuable prescriptions, but they were ready to take it to the grave, but they were not ready to share the prescriptions for the good and healing of anyone. Achieved through hard work and continuous effort. For a long time, I was asking Allah to make such an arrangement that the precious secrets which were collected from the people and from different scholars, books and which are buried forever in the hearts of the people would be brought to the fore.

When you think about tips and home remedies, you may have lots of questions: Are these tips effective? How do they work? This book aims to answer them. It explains how to treat common health problems at home and when to use certain remedies. People in general have been practicing such tips for thousands of years. Present way of life can leave us feeling unnatural and disengaged. Several of our lifestyles, like poor diet and lack of movement, lead us to chronic disease.

While writing these experiences and valuable prescriptions, I tried to write it in a simple and easy way that everyone can use, even ordinary housewives, and perhaps it was this thought and feeling that helped to complete this book. Well, it is also a fact that while translating from one language to another, the expression cannot be expressed in the same way as it can be done in one's mother tongue. When this book was started to be translated from Urdu to English, many difficulties came in such a way that these herbs should be written in proper English so that our American and British brothers and sisters would not have difficulty in finding these things, and keeping in view this difficulty, an attempt has been made to explain everything by attaching a picture to solve it. For a long time there was a desire that these valuable articles should be given a book form so that every special and general can be satisfied. And it will become a source of healing for the people and this is what I want and this is my reward.

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